Top 5 Recommended Hotels for Travelers Visiting Korea

Top 5 Recommended Hotels for Travelers Visiting Korea

hotel in Korea Top 5 Recommended Hotels for Travelers Visiting Korea I’ll let you know the hotels recommended by Koreans to Korean travelers.   1. Lotte Hotel Seoul Venue: Located in the busy Myeongdong area in the center of Seoul. Features: This is one of 

Ferry Sewol disaster – Recommendations on movies related to the Ferry Sewol disaster

Ferry Sewol disaster – Recommendations on movies related to the Ferry Sewol disaster

Ferry Sewol disaster The Ferry Sewol accident occurred on Apr. 16, 2014, when the ferry Ferry Sewol sank near Jindo County, South Korea. 304 passengers were killed or went missing in the accident. A victim of a Ferry Sewol accident At that time, Koreans were 

3 Tips on How to Be Good at Taekwondo

3 Tips on How to Be Good at Taekwondo

Taekwondo 3 Tips on How to Be Good at Taekwondo   To Taekwondo beginners Becoming proficient in Taekwondo requires dedication, discipline, and a willingness to learn. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to improve your skills, these three tips will help you excel in the 

How to cook Bulgogi (불고기) – a representative Korean food

How to cook Bulgogi (불고기) – a representative Korean food

How to cook Bulgogi (불고기)   Bulgogi – One of the most famous Korean foods For those looking to explore Korean cuisine in an easy and accessible way, I highly recommend trying out ‘Bulgogi.’ Bulgogi is one of Korea’s most famous meat dishes, featuring thinly 

popular Korean food “김(Gim)” seaweed

popular Korean food “김(Gim)” seaweed

    seaweed Korean cuisine offers a rich tapestry of flavors and textures, and at its heart lies the ubiquitous “kim,” or seaweed. Kim, often referred to as “gim” in Korean, is a staple ingredient that has been cherished for centuries. It’s typically made from 

Exploring Gyeongbokgung Palace: A Glimpse into Korea’s Royal Heritage

Exploring Gyeongbokgung Palace: A Glimpse into Korea’s Royal Heritage

 Gyeongbokgung – 경복궁     대한민국에서 인기 있는 관광지인 경복궁을 소개합니다.   Located in the heart of Seoul, South Korea, Gyeongbokgung Palace stands as a symbol of Korea’s rich history and cultural heritage. Built in 1395, during the Joseon Dynasty, it served as the main 

Korean Mukbang(eating show) YouTube channel recommendation. Best 5

Korean Mukbang(eating show) YouTube channel recommendation. Best 5

A ‘mukbang’ is a popular online content genre, originating from South Korea, where hosts eat large amounts of food while interacting with their audience through live streaming or pre-recorded videos. The term is a combination of the Korean words for ‘eating’ (먹는) and ‘broadcast’ (방송). 

서대문형무소역사관 – Seodaemun Proson History Hall

서대문형무소역사관 – Seodaemun Proson History Hall

  history tour of Korea Seodaemun Proson History Hall 서대문형무소역사관 한국 역사여행을 하고 싶은 사람들에게 추천하는 곳. ‘서대문 형무소’ 는 일본 제국주의가 지은 근대식 감옥입니다. 1908년 10월에 문을 열어 1987년 11월에 폐쇄될 때까지 80년 동안 감옥으로 사용되었습니다. 일제 강점기에는 식민 지배에 맞섰던 많은 항일 독립운동가들이 

Sokcho -si / a city with a beautiful sea / Gangwon State

Sokcho -si / a city with a beautiful sea / Gangwon State

Sokcho   아름다운 바다가 있는 도시, 강원도 강원도는 바다와 산이 공존하는 멋진 도시이다. 높은곳에 오르면, 한국 산의 아름다운 능선과 깊고 푸른 동해바다가 한눈에 들어온다. When you climb high, you can see the beautiful ridges of Korean mountains and the deep blue Sea of Korea (East 

한국의 역사와 현대가 공존하는 매력적인 도시 – 경주

한국의 역사와 현대가 공존하는 매력적인 도시 – 경주

Gyeongju  경주   한국 여행자들은 주로 서울, 제주 같은 곳을 많이 간다. 하지만 서울을 여행한 외국 여행자라면, 또 다른 한국의 매력을 느낄 수 있는 도시로 “경주”를 추천한다.   지붕 없는 박물관이라고 불리는 경주. 경주는 그만큼 발길이 닿는 어느 곳이든 문화 유적지를 만날 수 있는 곳이다.