Tag: Korean history

Korean BBQ vs. American BBQ – How is a Korean barbecue different from an American barbecue?

Korean BBQ vs. American BBQ – How is a Korean barbecue different from an American barbecue?

Korean BBQ vs American BBQ How is a Korean barbecue different from an American barbecue? Barbecue is a beloved culinary tradition in many cultures, but the two most popular styles – Korean and American – offer a different experience. Let’s take a closer look at 

Best 5 tourist attractions in Jeju Island, South Korea

Best 5 tourist attractions in Jeju Island, South Korea

5 must-visit destinations to explore Jeju Island: 5 must-visit destinations for travelers Located on the southern coast of Korea, Jeju Island is a tropical paradise known for its wonderful scenery, volcanic heritage, and unique culture. Whether you are seeking adventure or wanting to relax, Jeju 

How to use public transportation in Korea that Korean travelers must know

How to use public transportation in Korea that Korean travelers must know

In Korea, public transportation systems are famous for their efficiency, cleanliness, and convenience. However, using public transportation during your trip to Korea will be a difficult experience for travelers. Korea is a country with very developed public transportation. So, even if you travel to a 

Top 5 Recommended Hotels for Travelers Visiting Korea

Top 5 Recommended Hotels for Travelers Visiting Korea

hotel in Korea Top 5 Recommended Hotels for Travelers Visiting Korea I’ll let you know the hotels recommended by Koreans to Korean travelers.   1. Lotte Hotel Seoul Venue: Located in the busy Myeongdong area in the center of Seoul. Features: This is one of 

Exploring Gyeongbokgung Palace: A Glimpse into Korea’s Royal Heritage

Exploring Gyeongbokgung Palace: A Glimpse into Korea’s Royal Heritage

 Gyeongbokgung – 경복궁     대한민국에서 인기 있는 관광지인 경복궁을 소개합니다.   Located in the heart of Seoul, South Korea, Gyeongbokgung Palace stands as a symbol of Korea’s rich history and cultural heritage. Built in 1395, during the Joseon Dynasty, it served as the main 

서대문형무소역사관 – Seodaemun Proson History Hall

서대문형무소역사관 – Seodaemun Proson History Hall

  history tour of Korea Seodaemun Proson History Hall 서대문형무소역사관 한국 역사여행을 하고 싶은 사람들에게 추천하는 곳. ‘서대문 형무소’ 는 일본 제국주의가 지은 근대식 감옥입니다. 1908년 10월에 문을 열어 1987년 11월에 폐쇄될 때까지 80년 동안 감옥으로 사용되었습니다. 일제 강점기에는 식민 지배에 맞섰던 많은 항일 독립운동가들이 

한국의 역사 배울 수 있는 영화 추천 LIST

한국의 역사 배울 수 있는 영화 추천 LIST

Korean historical movie 동아시아 한반도에 위치한 한국은 수 천 년 의 역사를 자랑합니다. 한국의 조선왕조 시대 와 식민지, 전쟁 후 분단 국가가 된 역사를 가지고 있지요. 한국이 이렇게 정치와 경제가 발전하게  된 이야기들 궁금하신가요? 한국이 지금처럼 발전된 사회를 만들기까지 엄청난 역사적 사건들이 있었습니다. 이러한 유구한