Tag: 한국

How to use public transportation in Korea that Korean travelers must know

How to use public transportation in Korea that Korean travelers must know

In Korea, public transportation systems are famous for their efficiency, cleanliness, and convenience. However, using public transportation during your trip to Korea will be a difficult experience for travelers. Korea is a country with very developed public transportation. So, even if you travel to a 

Top 5 Recommended Hotels for Travelers Visiting Korea

Top 5 Recommended Hotels for Travelers Visiting Korea

hotel in Korea Top 5 Recommended Hotels for Travelers Visiting Korea I’ll let you know the hotels recommended by Koreans to Korean travelers.   1. Lotte Hotel Seoul Venue: Located in the busy Myeongdong area in the center of Seoul. Features: This is one of 

How to cook Bulgogi (불고기) – a representative Korean food

How to cook Bulgogi (불고기) – a representative Korean food

How to cook Bulgogi (불고기)   Bulgogi – One of the most famous Korean foods For those looking to explore Korean cuisine in an easy and accessible way, I highly recommend trying out ‘Bulgogi.’ Bulgogi is one of Korea’s most famous meat dishes, featuring thinly 

Korean Mukbang(eating show) YouTube channel recommendation. Best 5

Korean Mukbang(eating show) YouTube channel recommendation. Best 5

A ‘mukbang’ is a popular online content genre, originating from South Korea, where hosts eat large amounts of food while interacting with their audience through live streaming or pre-recorded videos. The term is a combination of the Korean words for ‘eating’ (먹는) and ‘broadcast’ (방송). 

한국의 저출산은 왜 이렇게 심각할까?

한국의 저출산은 왜 이렇게 심각할까?

Korea’s Low Birth Rate 며칠 전 충격적인 기사를 접했습니다. 뉴욕타임스에서 발행한 한국의 저출산에 대한 기사입니다. 한국의 인구 감소 속도가 14세기 유럽이 흑사병으로 인구가 급감했을 때만큼 심각한 수준이라는 내용입니다. 기사출처 뉴욕타임스 링크  https://www.nytimes.com/search?query=korea 현재 대한민국은 전 세계 최저 출산율 0.7명대 를 기록하고 있음에도, 그 수치마저 올해 0.6명 대로